Cat Ba Island Vietnam: 10 Days



Discover the hidden beauty and tranquil charm of Cat Ba Island through a serene ten-day adventure, exploring Lan Ha Bay and more.

A Low-Key Adventure on Cat Ba Island

Our arrival on Cat Ba Island felt like stepping into a simpler world, where the bustle of mainland Vietnam gave way to the rhythmic hum of the sea and the whispers of the wind through lush greenery. We had planned to stay for ten days, hoping to explore its natural beauty and experience its local charm. Little did we know, the island had more in store for us than we could have imagined.

Our first morning greeted us with the sight of emerald waters and limestone karsts of Lan Ha Bay, as seen from our modest guesthouse. The island’s charm lay in its unpretentious atmosphere. The locals went about their daily routines, unbothered by the few tourists who wandered through. We quickly settled into the slower pace of life, savoring each moment.

One of the highlights of our stay was a boat trip through Lan Ha Bay. We joined a small group of fellow travelers on a traditional wooden junk, gliding through the jade waters. The karsts rose majestically around us, creating a surreal landscape that seemed almost otherworldly. We stopped at a secluded spot and clambered into canoes, paddling towards a tiny entrance at the base of one of the towering karsts. Navigating carefully through the narrow passage, we emerged into the hidden center of the karst, where the water was a serene turquoise and the walls rose steeply around us, enclosing us in a natural cathedral. Floating there, we felt a profound sense of tranquility, as if we had discovered a secret world.

Back on the island, we explored the local fish farms. The farmers welcomed us warmly, showing us how they raised fish in large nets suspended in the water. We even had the chance to try our hand at fishing, though our attempts were more comical than successful. The farmers laughed good-naturedly at our efforts and shared stories of their lives on the island, their pride in their work evident in their voices.

Life on Cat Ba was not without its challenges. The island experienced frequent power outages, sometimes lasting for hours. At first, the lack of electricity was frustrating. We fumbled in the dark, trying to make the best of it. But as the days passed, we learned to embrace these moments. We spent evenings by candlelight, playing cards, sharing stories, and listening to the gentle lapping of waves against the shore. The outages forced us to disconnect from our gadgets and reconnect with each other and our surroundings.

We found delight in the island’s simplicity. Mornings were spent wandering through the local market, where vendors sold fresh produce and seafood. We indulged in banh mi from a street cart, savoring the crisp baguettes filled with savory ingredients. Afternoons often led us to the beaches, where we lounged under the sun, read books, and swam in the clear waters. The island’s unhurried rhythm was infectious, and we found ourselves slowing down, too.

One day, we decided to hike through the Cat Ba National Park. The trail led us through dense jungle, past towering trees and vibrant flowers. The sounds of birds and insects created a natural symphony. At the summit, we were rewarded with a breathtaking view of the island and the bay beyond. The sense of accomplishment was exhilarating, and we sat in silence, soaking in the beauty that surrounded us.

As our ten days on Cat Ba came to an end, we realized that the island had given us much more than just a vacation. It had offered us a glimpse into a way of life that was both simple and profound, a reminder of the beauty in slowing down and appreciating the world around us. The memories of Lan Ha Bay, the warmth of the locals, and even the power outages would stay with us long after we left. Cat Ba Island had found a special place in our hearts, and we knew we would carry its spirit with us wherever we went.

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